Monday 28 May 2012

Brief 4- Fashion Cards boards

Open publication - Free publishing - More boards

Fashion cards was my least favourite brief and I have had a lot of problems with it. It was mainly the fact that I didnt like the brief or my illustrations and seem like a rushed in to calling it a brief before I gave it some thought. However things did brighten up when I realised I had to get it finished. I'm glad I chose to use a pattern under the dresses and it make them more attractive instantly.
The background add a lot to an image, I created backgrounds which didnt work and eventually found ones that did which made me start to get in to my work and create the cards as best I could.
Another reason I didnt like the brief is that I new where it was going, there was only really one way to expand it and that was by making gift wrap, envelopes, tags etc. I normally would use the illustrations on all of my designs but I took an aspect of the cards and made that in to the main feature of everything else I made.
I have leant that I need to not rush in to picking brief but I also know that when given a brief I dont like you can find away to enjoy it which is a good point for the future.
An other improvement for this brief would be to think about stock. I thought I would go for lovely shinny glossy cards but when I made them i realised that cards and envelopes are notmall plain paper.

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